Attendance slipped significantly at the world’s biggest beer party.
The annual Oktoberfest in Germany is on shaky ground as border controls imposed to stem the flow of Islamic refugees complicated rail travel, organizers said Sunday.
Remember, Islamists do not imbibe and tend to be rather violent towards us Infidels. Read more on the next page:
Feed em beer beer and pork rhinds Germany.
Another country,where packing is illegal,by chance?!
Well there goes the tourist money
Germany’s own dam fault! That’s what they get for opening there boarders to Muslims! Good Luck!
I’m guessing it has to do with all the “refugees” that recently showed up there.
nobody wants to deal with muslims
fvcking muzzies.
Disturbing, on far too many levels. 🙁 Certainly not a time to “disarm” our country!!! Imagine a tidal wave of Muslims unloading in your neighborhood!?!
Won’t happen in my neighbor we all wave flags and own guns and bbq
You should have celebrated ,breaking muzzies necks !!!!