In a recent pre-trial hearing in Xenia, Ohio, a judge agreed with a prosecutor’s motion to prohibit the defendant from mentioning the Constitution or the constitutionality of the law he was charged with violating.
Judge Catherine Barber stated “there will be no mentioning of the Constitution” to the defendant, Virgil Vaduva.
The prosecutor made the claim that mentioning the Constitution “will confuse the jury,” to which Vaduva replied that uttering words on a public sidewalk, his panhandling charge, constitutes free speech.
Same$#%&!@*as Obama
This i why we need term limits on judges!
Obama appointed judge…
So, what system of law DOES this “judge” adhere to if not the Constitution? Shariah? The Communist Manifesto? Satanism? It is beyond LUDICROUS that a sitting “judge” would ban the word “Constitution” in an American court of law. Remove this$#%&!@*- NOW.
How did all these bad judges get to be judges all across America.
How stupid.
Why ?
I thought he took an oath to uphold the constitution.
Disbarrment works
Another judge who needs to be impeached. ALL OF OUR LAWS ARE FOUNDED ON THE PRINCIPLES OF THE CONSTITUTION. These idiots can’t just rewrite it from the bench.