In a recent pre-trial hearing in Xenia, Ohio, a judge agreed with a prosecutor’s motion to prohibit the defendant from mentioning the Constitution or the constitutionality of the law he was charged with violating.
Judge Catherine Barber stated “there will be no mentioning of the Constitution” to the defendant, Virgil Vaduva.
The prosecutor made the claim that mentioning the Constitution “will confuse the jury,” to which Vaduva replied that uttering words on a public sidewalk, his panhandling charge, constitutes free speech.
Apparently there are no qualifications or common sense needed for this job. I do know of a quarterback that has not been picked up due to his disrespect of our national anthem-sounds like a fit!!!
Traitorous actions deserve traitorous punishment. That is known as Accountability!
What is the remedy for judicial corruption? We need to find it fast. They are legislating from the bench.
Another liberal judge not following the law of the constitution and playing political favorites. Should resign or be removed immediately by the president for not upholding their oath of office.
Tale that judges license to practice law.he doesn’t even comprehend what the constitution says.
And your surprised why
That because he’s a socialist
Hi…..Donald how are you doing/would like to get to know you,if you don’t mind
Another doucebag judge that needs to hang for treason.