In a recent pre-trial hearing in Xenia, Ohio, a judge agreed with a prosecutor’s motion to prohibit the defendant from mentioning the Constitution or the constitutionality of the law he was charged with violating.
Judge Catherine Barber stated “there will be no mentioning of the Constitution” to the defendant, Virgil Vaduva.
The prosecutor made the claim that mentioning the Constitution “will confuse the jury,” to which Vaduva replied that uttering words on a public sidewalk, his panhandling charge, constitutes free speech.
She needs to be removed immediately. How are you gonna ban the same document you promised to uphold? Remove her now!
Step down…by no means demean yourself! Hypocrisy!!!!!
Then don’t be in law or a judge period.
FIRE his$#%&!@*Mr Trump .
These judges need to be unseated.
then ur not a judge if no constitution no judicial rights so u aint nutin but a con man
He violets freedom of speech and the constitution of the usa!!
Every one of these lower judges need to be flushed out.
another stupid judge