Oh Man! Striking a silly blow for “freedom of speech” The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill distributed a guide to students that advised against using words with “man” in them.
The guide created by UNC’s Writing Center advises against using words such as “mailman,” “man-made” and “policeman,” according to a copy published online. Everyone names Hillman, or Spellman or dozens of other names will have to consider alternatives if they attend Carolina. Check the stupidity in higher education on the next page:
According to that post they can’t even be called females
Women everywhere need to fight this stupid stuff.
This is truly retarded! All the other legitimate issues out there and this group does this. Hopefully, people will stop going to this college and it will be forced to close down.
Pretty soon we will have to grow tails to communicate.
How about calling us IT.
Well, I guess it will no longer be MANdatory to attend class, do well on tests or take final exams to graduate from NCU…. Sign me up for that program! ROFL
The university should be disMANtled immediately! This is MANdatory!!!!
You are a sharp woMAN! God bless you Linda.
What a bunch of c**p
Wonder if they realize that banning the word “Man” is not only sexist but illegal under the 1st amendment? But then again, liberals may not be smart enough to understand.