If you thought for a second that Christmas would be spared the wrath of Black Lives Matter’s indiscriminate anger, think again. A recently posted video shows a group of Black Lives Matter supporters tearing down a Christmas tree in Chicago.
What this Christmas tree did to deserve the brutal attack isn’t clear. It seems unlikely that the cheery evergreen was in some way responsible for the murder of innocent blacks, nor does it seem likely that the tree had any history of institutionalized racism.
Rather, it seems that Black Lives Matter is one again showing itself to be nothing more than an excuse for vandalism, violence, and altogether senseless buffoonery.
If the tree’s only crime was being a symbol of holiday spirit, then it looks as if the Grinch is being giving a run for his money. They’re a mean one, Black Lives Matter.
See the video of Black Lives Matter’s anti-Christmas vandalism on the next page:
Dispecible and shameful vengence is Gods and he is watchimg them behave like wild barbarians
Throw them in jail, till they can pay for all the damage they have caused.
I, a citizen of The UNITED STATES of AMERICA, am calling for the immediate arrest and trial of Barack Hussein Obama for treason, under Article 3 section 3 of the United States Constitution, for aiding and giving comfort to our enemies. If you agree, please copy and re-post.
Blm radical group doesn’t make sense destroying property that had nothing to do with the death of that guy.
Blacks trash everything including their free HOUSING!!
Why wont something be done about these blm pos???? If it was any other group of idiots…. They would all be arrested an prosecuted…. Fk blm…. !!!!!! Nothing but terrorist thugs!!!
Christmas trees matter
They have too much time on their hands.Maybe a draft would help sending some overseas to help starving countries. THey might then appreciate what the have over here.
If they want people to believe they matter then they should first believe it themselves and second, act like it. Their “movement” is having the opposite affect on people. They are not gaining respect, but showing people they have animals that act better than they do.