To fix the ineffectiveness of the experiment, enormous quantities of chlorine was added, which resulted in a carcinogenic toxin.
An astonishing failure, the combination of excess chlorine and aluminum chlorohydrate ended up yielding carcinogenic toxins known as “DBPs” — disinfection byproducts. Specifically, these are in the class of chemicals known as THMs, or Trihalomethanes.
THMs are in the same chemical class as chloroform; and, although this water experiment ended about a year ago, the THMs remain in Sacramento’s water supply in levels that exceed EPA regulations. Several readings of THM levels provided to ABC10 exceeded 80 parts per billion, the EPA limit.
The ABC10 investigation says,
data showing dozens of readings in excess of the EPA standard of 80 parts-per-billion during the year-long trial. In the Westlake neighborhood, near Sleep Train Arena, during a two-month period between August and October 2013, 11 of 13 readings were above EPA limits. Then in March of 2014, readings were way up across the city. Some people were drinking water with DBP levels above 130 parts-per-billion.
Sacramento’s Utility Director, Bill Busath, told ABC10 the entire issue had to do with saving money: “There was an expectation that we would be able to save quite a bit of money.”
Bob Bowcock grew up working in the water treatment industry. His description, as reported by ABC10, is telling:
This community was basically looked at as a laboratory guinea pig, in that they were exposed to violation level trihalomethanes for up to one year without any proper notification whatsoever […] Every corner you turn, on this particular project, it’s red flag, red flag, red flag. It’s like peeling back an onion. There is just another layer. The closer you get to the center, the stronger the smell.
According to an ABC10 news report:
Pregnant women and unborn babies, Bowcock said, are especially vulnerable to DBPs. In first trimester pregnancies, there’s a significant rise in miscarriages, and in third trimester there’s evidence of low birth weight,” he said, describing how the DBP-tainted water is even more dangerous when its mists are breathed in while showering or washing dishes.
This isn’t the only water contamination that affects greater Sacramento — Northside residents need to be aware that McClellan Air Force Base is rumored to be the source of contaminated water, as a “chromium plume” of groundwater contamination radiates from out from the base.
Our water, in other words, is polluted with cancer-causing chromium-6.
This experiment went on for a year, but no one knows what symptoms will or have occurred.
Source: Activist Post
Is that why SF is a sanction city to experiment on the illegals?
But why did they do this? Is this a hoax??
Why not? Have you ever just stepped on a bug for boredom or because you simply didn’t like it where? Ever played with ants as a kid to see what would happen?
I couldn’t read the article so I don’t know about it. I thought it might be a hoax. Some of these articles are.
Old news
Stopped drinking the poison 15 years ago ! After I discovered my illness was coming from the water never sick again after refusing to drink from the tap water
The goal is to kill off humanity people diabolical entities are at play the matrix is real people get out of the matrix see the real truth away from the smoke and mirrors of the enemy
gee, happened in California, what a surprise…I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if Jerry Brown ok’d it
oh, more cancer patients or death of people – Americans how do you like that happening to you. A woman in some Department of Government said that Obama would continue to experiment on people whether they like it or not. So what are you going to do about it? Going to let it happen that is what you are doing, so you must not love your lives.
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