October of 2015 is going to see scores of new malls open across the country, just in time for the Christmas season. While that might be exciting to sheeple shoppers, the disconcerting thing about these malls is the fact that every single one has the characteristics of a FEMA concentration camp.
These structures look less like a traditional malls and more like fortresses. They even have guard towers. Throw up a fence and you could easily turn these facilities into a FEMA camp or distribution center.
what happened to the homeless people they picked up??Do they remember they posted that?remember $#%&!@*
Haha! The “new” malls now have guard towers and huge fences! Quick question…? if I’m a patriot, conservative or veteran.. should I reserve a cot now, or roll the dice?
They only SERVE THE WEALTHY IN AMERICA and couldn’t care Less about the Rest!
If they had their way all us poor people would be sitting in FEMA CAMPS waiting for our date for the ovens!
Jade Helm 15 supposed to begin today in Birmingham,Alabama as well per Eric Holder’s comments..We’ll see..Not taking ‘Soul Harvester’, a name given to one of my many firearms, out of the rack and putting full magazine of armor-piercing rounds into it and pulling the hammer back to chamber the first round until I see definite proof on the road or in my area that it’s time to..Make no mistake though, I am ready.
This is unamerican, Anyone ever hear of a little thing called World War II?
They are aiming for 68,000,000 in Population – 1/5 of current #…..
If any of this is correct then It all adds up. Remove global threats from being to strong, to create war after the war. Identify those who will resist a Global Govt and categorize them. Herd and control the humanity.
I just want facts..please..has,anyone been locked up yet?..please people.
If anything should go down..please,advise..Thank you..