Is Senator Harry Reid (D., Nev.) pro-cancer? What is his problem? Watch the clip below and see his strange obsession with smearing brothers Charles and David Koch over and over.
The Senate Majority Leader has gone to incredible lengths to demonize a pair of anti-cancer philanthropist brothers named Charles and David Koch, to the extent that he’s mentioned them 134 times in a series of strange diatribes on the Senate floor.Nearly all of those mentions have occurred since Feb. 26, when he first went off on the Kochs as an unsubtle means of rallying support for the flailing Democratic Party’s hopes to retain a majority.
The Koch brothers, Reid sternly warns, are “radical.” They are “un-American.” They promote “lies.” They’re trying to “buy” the country.
Strange then, that Reid once accepted money from a Koch lobbyist, if he’s so convinced of their plans to destroy the nation he loves.
Strange then, in spite of his insistence that the Kochs are out of the mainstream, that Charles and David poll better than Reid does with the American public.
Strange then, that he risks getting into trouble with the law due to his unrelenting smear campaign, as it’s possible he violated Senate rules by using his taxpayer-funded website to bash the Kochs.
Source: Washington Free Beacon
Go Koch brothers. Harry is a failed whore house greeter.
Dementia, they all have it, they just can’t figure out what the right answer is.
The United States funded the violence in the Ukraine.
No Incumbents. They have not fired Obama.
Eric Holder and Obama should have been fired for Fast and Furious and their lies about fast and furious. Eric Holder and Obama should have been fired for using the IRS to intimidate and harrass patriots. Eric holder and Obama should have been fired for their abuse of their office to intimidate Zimmerman after his Trial. Eric holder and Obama should have been fired for their abuse of their office when they were trying to get a white guy committing the Knock Out Game prosecuted for a Hate Crime, it is Terrorism every time the Knock Out Game is played, Use the NDAA and lock the monsters away. Eric Holder lied to congress again, again, again, and again. He should have been fired for that. Barrack Obama should have been fired for our invasion of Libya. Barrack Obama should have been fired the first time he wrote an Executive Order that changed our Law. Barrack Obama should have been fired for his lies, he lied when he swore the Oath of Office, he had no intention of keeping his Oath, he hates our Constitution and our nation. Obama lied about NSA spying. Obama lied about Obamacare to get the House and Senate to vote for it. With our CIA and our NSA, Obama lied about Syria to try and get our Senate and House to approve bombing Syria. No Incumbents. They have not fired Eric Holder and Obama. Vote them out. George Soros and the National Endowment for Democracy funded the violence in the Ukraine with the blessing of Obama’s Administration. No Incumbents. The War on Terror is wrong and stupid, Obamacare is wong and stupid, and the Sanctions against Russia for trying to protect their people from the violence funded in the United States is wrong and stupid. No Incumbents.
I love the Koch brother
How many times did he mention George Soros?
harry is a pedophile
Shows he is demented.