The media has been giving Trump a truck load of excrement for not correcting the man who said that “We have a problem in this country, Muslims. You know our president is one”. Yet Obama himself has not cleared up the ambiguity of his religious affiliations. One example of this obscurity is found in the wedding ring Obama wears. See more on page 2.
I find it disturbing we have a president who worships a bloodthirsty god who’s religions has done nothing for society besides rape and oppression.
allah-lucifer. The end.
Why is this POS in the whitehouse?
the man was right,,, Trump responded correctly … so suck it up worthless media,,,
Google ICD9 Obama care
So many lunatics.
You gotta get all the brainless and illegals to stop voting democrats, its the democrats that arm criminals but prevent legal law abiding people to legaly arm themselves
What does his religion have to do with the fact that he is only continuing the Bush/Cheney doctrine of regime change? Wake up!!!! Democrats and republicans are the problem!!!!
Sometimes I can’t tell if you’re serious tbh xD
I’m not a huge fan of Islam and i exaggerate a lot. I mean i dont think Obama is full blown Muslim he is pretty secular, but I enjoy the bantz.