The media has been giving Trump a truck load of excrement for not correcting the man who said that “We have a problem in this country, Muslims. You know our president is one”. Yet Obama himself has not cleared up the ambiguity of his religious affiliations. One example of this obscurity is found in the wedding ring Obama wears. See more on page 2.
Christian???? —NO way!!!
He rules by, “do what I say and not as I do” philosphy
Its true, every word of it.
Hey America you get this now?
I love him and I don’t trust him but Snopes says this is false and I somewhat believe that
All everyone has been doing is throwing religion in Trumps face. Yet nobody was the least bit concerned and NEVER asked nobama about his faith or even that he’s not a citizen! He’s a muslim that went to a muslim school in Kenya in his younger years. So not only is he a muslim but also not a citizen. Why didn’t they pound on him about that and all his Anti-American friend?????????????????????.
Still waiting for that first truth out of his mouth . Hea obama the giant is waking up . Maybe you should take a look around at what you have done . You cant fool all the people all the time . You have done enough damage to the people of the world . Stop and go play golf the rest of your term and let the people a rest from your egnorance .
Grow up people. Mr. Obama is a Christian, not a Muslim and this is a f**e story. Even if he was a Muslim, so what? You big patriots–don’t even know that the Constitution protects all religious belief, not just your little system. Mr. Obama has done nothing but return your nastiness with dignity and forbearance, and he puts all of you bigots to shame.
Thank you Barry Huff. Gotta put some light into the darkness.