The media has been giving Trump a truck load of excrement for not correcting the man who said that “We have a problem in this country, Muslims. You know our president is one”. Yet Obama himself has not cleared up the ambiguity of his religious affiliations. One example of this obscurity is found in the wedding ring Obama wears. See more on page 2.
Scum, complete scum. This is such a disgrace and slap in all Americans faces.
Jack Abbott true?
Obama is the antichrist.america has been fooled his a muslim sittingin the white house.his from indonesia he havent change his citizenship he facked is way into the white house he has no american citizenship.he abama pope francis david cameron british prime minister must be tried in the international human right court for crimes against humanity war crimes especially.
How do you know what his ring says?
Not this again.
Soon god will punish ametica for her crimes against isreal&humanity grest punishment is comeing to america very3 soon.
Sure he does!
And, the sweetest sound he has ever heard is the Muslim ‘Call to prayer’, but he was elected our leader, and lead he has done to a muslim take-over of our country.
Conrad Foreman Brandon Burnett Aaron Chain 2 days
He’s not a Muslim right!!!!!!!!!!!