The media has been giving Trump a truck load of excrement for not correcting the man who said that “We have a problem in this country, Muslims. You know our president is one”. Yet Obama himself has not cleared up the ambiguity of his religious affiliations. One example of this obscurity is found in the wedding ring Obama wears. See more on page 2.
That’s really gonna upset her royal egotist…mochelle
Bahahaha, if you take this seriously, you might want to pick up a book and turn off your Alex Jones.
“By their fruits shall ye know them.”
Thats because he is muslim. Dont worry he just approved 100,000 of his terrorists freinds per year to get free passes into the USA. That means we get to support them too.
My God, you people are stupid.
Vickie James Vickie James You are funny arn’t you, so cute. look after your kids an get off FB.
This still isn’t true, just like it wasn’t true when it first circled the Internet. It would be fine if he were a Muslim, since we ALL have freedom of religion, but he still isn’t, and this is still f**e.
How blind is our news outlets and the Democratic party?
Craig Rivers Impossible, Only one God, The Lord Jesus Christ.