The media has been giving Trump a truck load of excrement for not correcting the man who said that “We have a problem in this country, Muslims. You know our president is one”. Yet Obama himself has not cleared up the ambiguity of his religious affiliations. One example of this obscurity is found in the wedding ring Obama wears. See more on page 2.
He’s a Muslim infiltration plant.
Whooo cares! Remember seperation of church and state, religious freedom? Does any of this ring familiar to any of you???
Lol remember the internet does but lie
That’s ridiculous!
I swear I can not figure out where all this stupidity comes from !! Smh
He should never been president of this US because he is destroying this Us & them dumb senators & republicans cannot see what Obama is doing all they see is themselves & their Party none of the people in the Washington is for we the people of the US that is America Citizens.
Who is laughing with me???? LOL
We need to save our country from idiots who believe everything they read on Facebook.