The good news is that America has had to listen to Obama’s last State of the Union! The bad news is that the American people have been lied to by a President most outrageously, for the umpteenth time. Breitbart did a fact check of Obama’s fabricated world and has come up with the top ten list of lies that he has foisted upon his beguiled subjects.
After breaking his short speech promise, he gave what Dana Bash, of CNN called a “low energy” oration full of distortions and contrivance meant to keep America hypnotized. Only at the end of his soliloquy did he say something of great import and truth: “There’s no doubt a president with the gifts of Lincoln or Roosevelt might have better bridged the divide…”.
In Obama’s mind, he is the best president America has ever had because of the hope and change he has gift wrapped for his subjects, at their expense. America had the misfortune of 58:44 of Obama bloviation and the list of the top 10 lies are on the following page.
Pretty damn sad when you must rate the lies as told by the “leader” of your country. Wonder what the list would look like if they listed all the lies told in the past 7 + years and in the order of their importance???
The very intelligent Americans elected him not once but twice and are completely ready to elect one more brain-dead leader called Hillary. Americans are very intelligent.
Again the reoublicans make up stories and are totally whitewashed by idiots like cruz and Trump, both of would carpet bomb innocent people, unemployment was down to 5% and will be lower by the time he leaves office, have there been mistakes yes, but as usual there have been NO constructive plans by the republicans ever. Gun control we have to start somewhere. And noone is taking anyones rights away, instead of coming up with some good ideas they turn to scare tactics. So please people at the very least be respectful, all your hatred is because he is black period
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How were they able to narrow it down to ten?
Preston Fernando
Only 10? His entire life is a lie!
You see the top 10 of SOOOOO MANY.