The good news is that America has had to listen to Obama’s last State of the Union! The bad news is that the American people have been lied to by a President most outrageously, for the umpteenth time. Breitbart did a fact check of Obama’s fabricated world and has come up with the top ten list of lies that he has foisted upon his beguiled subjects.
After breaking his short speech promise, he gave what Dana Bash, of CNN called a “low energy” oration full of distortions and contrivance meant to keep America hypnotized. Only at the end of his soliloquy did he say something of great import and truth: “There’s no doubt a president with the gifts of Lincoln or Roosevelt might have better bridged the divide…”.
In Obama’s mind, he is the best president America has ever had because of the hope and change he has gift wrapped for his subjects, at their expense. America had the misfortune of 58:44 of Obama bloviation and the list of the top 10 lies are on the following page.
There’s a hell of a lot more than 10!!!
“The Truth about 911” Trinity Broadcasting Network TBN had one, of the Black Boxes, from one, of the planes that went down sent to them, and they were able to interpret what the so-called terrorist were saying in there native tongue. They were screaming to the pilot to pull up on the plane, before they crashed. That doesn’t sound at all like they were involved. TBN investigators even said that, from all the facts they had it seemed to them like someone had to be controlling the planes, from an underground bunker somewhere. Like I said an American Unlimited Star Generalson ranked through the U.S. Army got the verbal confession, from the guy with that cia underground bunker in the Mojave Dessert. The guy had a few pictures up at his house. The pictures were of the attacks taking place it looked like Polaroid pictures, and then a picture of him in the middle of the dessert with an evil look on his face and a hobo stick. He said when questioned, about the pictures that his car broke down, and he was stranded. It was a lie you could tell. Little did that guy know that the Generalson ranked through the U.S. Army knew he had built a huge underground bunker and used to own allot, of the old Sears Tower, so the Generalson said to the man with the cia. “It’s not like you were the one in an underground bunker in the Mojave Dessert who flew the planes into the Trade Centers with a remote control and speed controls attached to the planes”, and the guy with the cia then turned pale like he seen a ghost and had an O$#%&!@*look on his face. Then he said “well yes before and after how how how did you know he said”! That’s the truth my people, and fellow Americans. Unlimited Star Generalson J.W.
So everyone doesn’t have to open it, here is what it says………..
America has had to listen to the very last Obama State of the Union (and the crowd goes wild)! It was only the 16th longest since 1966 and full of shams and misinformation. Ten lies have topped the Breitbart fact check from Obama’s final hurrah and they are listed in chronological order.
Lie number 1: “[W]e’ve done all this while cutting our deficits by almost three-quarters.” Obama has doubled the national debt. He spent astronomical amounts of money in his first few months, yet attributed it to the Bush fiscal year. Until last year, all Obama deficits have been worse than Bush’s, except for the last two years.
Lie number 2: “Anyone claiming that America’s economy is in decline is peddling fiction.” The truth is that despite the slow recovery–the slowest since World War II–labor force participation is the lowest it has been in decades. Wages are stagnant, household incomes still have not recovered from the recession, and young people see a bleak future.
Lie number 3: “That’s what the Affordable Care Act is all about. It’s about filling the gaps in employer-based care so that when we lose a job, or go back to school, or start that new business, we’ll still have coverage.” Obamacare canceled insurance coverage for millions of Americans who did not change jobs. It also raised deductibles and premiums so high that many insurance companies are leaving the Obama exchanges totally.
Lie number 4: “Food Stamp recipients didn’t cause the financial crisis; recklessness on Wall Street did.” Actually, food stamp recipients, metaphorically speaking, were indirectly responsible–as well as Wall Street sharks. Obama leaves out the government’s role, under the Community Reinvestment Act, in pushing mortgages on people who could not afford them, and in backing the derivatives based on those mortgages that ultimately burst the whole bubble.
Lie number 5: “We’ve protected an open internet…” Net Neutrality has turned Internet service providers into public utilities under an ancient regulatory regime. The result has been a decline in investment, as well as, a less free and open system.
Lie number 6: “Seven years ago, we made the single biggest investment in clean energy in our history. Here are the results.” Obama claims his failed clean energy spending–Solyndra–led to the fracking-fed energy boom we have enjoyed for the past several years. He also nixed the Keystone pipeline and started a plan to kill coal plants.
Lie number 7: “No nation dares to attack us or our allies because they know that’s the path to ruin.” Of all the lies in Obama’s speech, this was undoubtedly the worst, coming hours after Iran seized two U.S. Navy boats and ten sailors. Obama did not even mention those Americans in captivity at any point in his speech, declining the chance to reassure the nation that they would come home safely. It is an omission that will define this address in history.
Lie number 8: “As someone who begins every day with an intelligence briefing, I know this is a dangerous time.” Obama does not attend most of his daily intelligence briefings, preferring instead to read intelligence reports–so he claims–on his iPad. Obama claimed that there was little risk from attack, radical Islamic terrorists carried out brutal attacks in Paris and in San Bernardino.
Lie number 9: “We are training, arming, and supporting forces who are steadily reclaiming territory in Iraq and Syria [from Islamic State].” The Obama administration’s attempt to train and arm Syrian rebels has been a disaster. Obama has not made a serious effort to defeat the Islamic State, and is even giving up on regime change in Syria.
Lie number 10: “Fifty years of isolating Cuba had failed to promote democracy, setting us back in Latin America.” The Castros remain firmly in power, and we are not helping the opposition. Worse, the Cuban regime continues to arrest thousands of political dissidents, to cozy up to enemies like Iran and North Korea, and to carry out provocative acts–such as stealing a U.S. Hellfire missile.
Sadly, the state of most Americans listening to the State of the Union, is one of a nation in a coma, only hearing what the P.C. media wants them to hear and know.
Has to be more there he never stopped moving his lips.
like i said not a state of the union its a STATE OF DENIAL
Top 10……………Hell EVERYTHING he said was a LIE. Hussein Obama does not know the meaning of the word TRUTH.
everytime he opens his mouth.
The danger to America is not obama but citizens capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be much easier to limit and undo the problems of an obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president.
The problem is much deeper and far more serious than obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. Our country can survive obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. We are much less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president.
Just put a bullet in that nig**R