An innocent toddler girl was chained to a fence, tears streaming down her screaming face, as she watched her mommy and daddy killed for being Shia. This baby was orphaned by the same people who Obama gives guns, ammunition and grenades to, the Islamic Syrian rebels, “Free Syrian Army”.
This darling baby will never be the same, if she is even still alive and our administration is in bed with these monsters. Read more on page two and help spread the outrage with others.
arrest Impeach Obama
How would you know the difference? ? Your country is being invaded by isis, or the fsa… please explain the difference moron… you need to fact check your self.
Russia will get you all…
What is wrong with our military? Scared of obuma?
Your the moron pal
obama is muslim impeach and imprison
obamas buddies. Get that lying racist gay muslim terrorist out of the whitehouse NOW!!! CONGRESS, FOR ONCE, DO YOUR F_CKING JOB!!!
American are dealing with a psychotic dangerous man. Impeach President Obama for Murder the same way he was vote in can also be removed from the presidency. He never won the second term. As long as he keep brainwashing the Democrats he keep getting away with all the crimes he committed in our country.
ISIS please stop killing Christian’s Syrians and American Soldiers with the weapons Hillary Clinton sent you and come Party and Play with us Gay’s in Palm Springs California . A couple of$#%&!@*group orgies at one of our many downtown all male sex Resorts will cure you of that silly old Muhammad. We’ll even throw in a bag of Rainbow Doritos.
Why does not the senate do somerhing? Do the majority support this?