An innocent toddler girl was chained to a fence, tears streaming down her screaming face, as she watched her mommy and daddy killed for being Shia. This baby was orphaned by the same people who Obama gives guns, ammunition and grenades to, the Islamic Syrian rebels, “Free Syrian Army”.
This darling baby will never be the same, if she is even still alive and our administration is in bed with these monsters. Read more on page two and help spread the outrage with others.
I hope Putin destroys every one of these MF’s just to p**s off Ovomit and then give Ovomit the finger just to finish it off
Obama will put american future down its consequences america will suffer long
Thats ok, Putin is dropping 50 ton bombs on them. Go Putin
And what is Congress doing while Obama does all of this?
Why haven’t the dumb added in congress done their jobs 28th such an obvious criminal? OVERHAUL CONGRESS!
Small weapons do no good against Russian bombers, bye bye Isis. Stupid Obama.
And these are the people Obama is aiding ? Hang the muslim SOB and every muslim in our govt for treason
Tell it like it is putin
So we are actually at war with Russia. Obama defending Isis. He’s mentally ill needs to be forced out.
a waste of tax payer money easy for him to give our money away to his bothers