Five of our military, 4 marines and a sailor, were killed at the hands of an Islamic terrorist last week.
Obama, with his pen and phone, could order all military working within recruitment centers to arm themselves and order the installment of bullet proof glass on the front of the centers.
Instead of working from a position of strength, like theĀ above suggests, Obama instead chose a path that is right up the alley of the politically correct left.
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The military takes an oath to protect foreign and domestic. …can’t change that Obama…
Total and complete BS…Obama is a TRAITOR and should be ARRESTED for his CRIMES against AMERICA
#Trump2016 No more Professional LifeTime Politicians!!! Strong tough leader needed to restore America from this pathetic liberal agenda that has spread like cancer!! When the Politicians, the News Media and the Multi-national Corporation all join together to attack the same Candidate for president, it’s a good indication that Candidate stands with the people and not the Puppet Masters controlling the Established Politicians… One thing about Trump is wrong or right is giving the cons$#%&!@*ution, Freedom of speech a new meaning,especially when you have money and a voice and the media continues to make him relevant. So be it. A Senator and a alleged war hero would not tolerate what this president is doing to this country. His middle name is HUSSEIN people, what do we expect, he loves his mooslime brotherhood and HATE the U.S. His Actions speak louder than words. WAIT UP PEOPLE LOOK AT HOW OUR VETS HAVE BEEN TREATED! Why does it seem that Military paychecks and Social Security are the ONLY things ever affected by government spending woes? Never, ever have I read about any of our government financial issues affecting welfare, handouts to liberal organizations like Planned Parenthood or foreign countries who constantly scream “Death to America”! The only ones ever mentioned are the military, who are working for their money or put in enough time for their retirement or the senior citizen, who has already worked and PAID into a system that is constantly threatened to be cut. Welfare is NEVER threatened and foreigners and places like Planned Parenthood are only threatened when they misbehave. Maybe it’s time for seniors, soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines and coasties to start misbehaving so the president and congress will stop using them to push their agendas every time.
Exactly what he has done for the rest of America.
cowardly TRAITOR
And that folks, is exactly his plan.
Stop Obama. Impeach Obama now.
SMART recruiting strategy. Cowards only?
Obama has lost his pen on this. What a Failure he is.
Just impeach Obama today.