Obama labored on Labor Day, actually, it was just a ‘pen’ thing. In a quiet, sneaky act, he signed an executive order mandating seven paid sick days a year for employees of federal contractors.
The Republican Congress would certainly not have agreed to this and therefore, Obama did what he promised and used his pen to push through his agenda.
The king has no clothes, but in modern America that doesn’t seem to matter.
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that’s the way Obama works he lies or does the sneaky c**p
He makes me sick and that makes me as. He is the President of our country but I do not feel like he cares one bite for vast majorities of our land.
Totally de$#%&!@*able!!!
how can obama stand still being in office knowing how much people hate him why doesnt he resign.
Never truly worked a day in his life! Never!!
he is such an idiot, he doesn’t think long term, it should be up to the employer
At least he got one thing right.
There is nothing about him that isn’t sneaky…except the lies. He throws those right out in the open.
When does he every work!
Rat eating apart the United States of America.