Barack Obama is still trying to convince America that Islamic State or ISIL is somehow a fringe element in Islam that does not reflect the values and beliefs of the religion. Although he recently called them a “JV team” of the long list of Muslim terrorist groups, he now at least understands that they are deadly serious and gaining ground. With the attacks in Brussels last week, it would seem obvious that there is great danger to inviting Islamic immigrants into a country without thoroughly vetting and limiting those who would enter.
Obama once again missed the mark after the murderous attack when he continued on with his schedule, which included attending a baseball game in Cuba. Even going so far as to downplay the threat they present in an effort to justify his loafing.
However, he gave a more substantive address on Saturday and sounded as if he is serious about the dealing with ISIL, though he still refuses to connect the words Islam and terrorism, which seem to be quite clear cut in reviewing who is conducting terrorist activities throughout the world. And he still is confused when it comes to immigration into the U.S.
Obama reviews immigration policy, page 2:
He DOES like it both ways
This Presidents legacy is a signed, sealed, delivered unequivocal failure. I will focus my attention and energy in getting Trump elected in 2016.
I’ll be so glad when that counterproductive useless SOB is out of office and Trump is in…..
lets make them waswas
Traitor he is.
* nha may phan bon West o Texas (nn 140)
Chi co bon an phan moi choi ban len,chui muon
islam is Fundamentally Bad for America.
There are 3 primary rules and one supporting rule in islam.
Primary Rules of islam
1. Infidels must be converted to islam. Qur’an:8:39 “Fight them until all opposition ends and all submit to Allah.”
2. Infidels who will not convert must pay a tax to islam. Qur’an:9:29 “Fight those who do not believe until they all surrender, paying the protective tax in submission.”
3. Infidels who do not convert or pay the tax must be KILLED. Qur’an:9:5 – “Fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive, harass them, lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war.”
Supporting Rule
• All members of islam are allowed to LIE to Infidels if the LIE supports the growth of islam. Taqiyya
Ask a muslim i.e. anyone who follows islam if they are allowed to pick and choose which parts of the qur’an to follow? The answer is, they can’t pick and choose which parts to follow. Doing so is called apostate which would lead to their own death for they would be killed by a fellow muslim. To follow islam is to adhere to every word in the qur’an.
This means there is no such thing as a Moderate muslim. For someone to follow the qur’an they must submit which means you must submit one way or the other.
They really are trying to convert you, tax you, or KILL you.
I stand by my words; islam is Fundamentally Bad for America.
People still buy the swill this pos pours? I am ashamed at how low our great nation has fallen… sad.
Damn…ISIS is ALWAYS a threat stupid.