According to a new article by the New York Post, Obama has been forming a secret database on all Americans for the purpose of “racial and economic justice.”
“Obama’s racial bean counters” as the NYP puts it, has been mining everything…home loans, health, credit card activity, where you work, neighborhoods, even how our kids are disciplined in school.
This all in an effort to document the inequalities between minorities and whites.
See Page 2:
Impeach him now
Don’t be a bad muslim …..
Judge them by their fruit. Your fruit sir is beyond spoil. I do not claim a race I am a child of God !!! The one you will very soon meet and have much explaing to do!!! You have made America a place I no longer recognise. It May be too late to reverse the damage or stop the monsters in black a.k.a. the peacful religion ! But I fear not the Lord will very soon return and you and your kind have already lost. God Bless
What a joke. They can’t keep track of anything and you think they can keep track of 300 million people?
yes, there is a whistleblower , ya heard it already.obama isnt goin anywhere but to the cell for good.
Why is there no middle finger for an emoji ?
hey hollywood your daddy obama is forming a secret data base on you hope he don,t find somethin to bad on you
AIDS will kill him in a later part of his life.
He has definite issues stemming from his past yet to be resolved.
And if the data he collects doesn’t come out the way he wants it to,he will manipulate it until it does! Anything to start more division and anger among Americans of all races and religions!