According to a new article by the New York Post, Obama has been forming a secret database on all Americans for the purpose of “racial and economic justice.”
“Obama’s racial bean counters” as the NYP puts it, has been mining everything…home loans, health, credit card activity, where you work, neighborhoods, even how our kids are disciplined in school.
This all in an effort to document the inequalities between minorities and whites.
See Page 2:
AMERICA WANTS TRUMP….Make America Safe Again
f**k you Obama suck my dick
7 more months !! Enough of the black ” president ” telling us how unfair life is. He figures if he was white he would be King but because he`s black he can only be President 🙁 Someone should tell him stupid white people are poor too ! I think they feel you can sit on the porch and smoke a joint all day if you are white and they drop your money off so you will be rich.(stupid – poor.)…( lazy – poor ) see how that works ? Dumb and poor does not know a color…it`s VERY equal..I want my government back and this c**p out…
Vile and pure evil.
He’s an evil man
You’ll be gone before you can$#%&!@*us with this
He’s a Oreo, he needs to be sure he Show’s all of his White privileges too…
All i can say is who gives a rats$#%&!@* He will be gone in november and will be nothing more than a bad memory .