According to a new article by the New York Post, Obama has been forming a secret database on all Americans for the purpose of “racial and economic justice.”
“Obama’s racial bean counters” as the NYP puts it, has been mining everything…home loans, health, credit card activity, where you work, neighborhoods, even how our kids are disciplined in school.
This all in an effort to document the inequalities between minorities and whites.
See Page 2:
Well said Melvin! Still wondering how Veteran benefits and SSI can be socialist programs as someone said! Those benefits were earned and damn well paid for!
Normally not much ( truth ) with truth and action.
it’s a secret? No just more BS from these bone heads.
What do you expect from Murdochs rag?
Mel, you’re an idiot!
Bill Meyer – your point? Your justification? Your “reasoning”?
Why should we even try?
Silly rubes believe this c**p and are simultaneously baffled as to why their party is at deaths door….
Of course if one pays attention when the “black lives matter” folks hear someone say “of course, all lives matter” and they get all in an uproar, it is not actually equality but to be “more equal” than the other races it would seem.