According to a new article by the New York Post, Obama has been forming a secret database on all Americans for the purpose of “racial and economic justice.”
“Obama’s racial bean counters” as the NYP puts it, has been mining everything…home loans, health, credit card activity, where you work, neighborhoods, even how our kids are disciplined in school.
This all in an effort to document the inequalities between minorities and whites.
See Page 2:
I hate that this is true!
Nothing is secret, we are coming for ya.
Which is the nonsense? Reporting the data collection? Or believing it exists?
All nonsense and this dog won’t hunt.
As is his way!
Figures Otraitor what do you expect from this bunch of criminals
Why is he still here?
If you aren’t on one of his lists, you should probably be ashamed of yourself. However, it may become life threatening to be on one if people don’t wake the hell up.
We are in the endgame of the global elite’s plan for the permanent UNDOING of the American Revolution.
This plan has been rolled out over a period longer than a century, most likely.
A brain child of the infamous elite Free Mason and KKK founder Albert Pike in the 1870’s.
Yet, we continue to play their stupid political games, and rationalize the loss of our Natural Liberties and Rights.
Here’s how I see it.
There is only one party (D vs R is a joke, a “ping pong game”).
The mainstream media is controlled by the CIA.
9-11 was an inside job (as well as many other false flag events).
This is the endgame of a decades long takedown of American and her Liberty.
We are just about finished.
Regarding the problems with open borders, building a “wall”, illegal immigrants, and war refugees from the middle east.
The Federal Government has been flying in thousands of illegal aliens at night by UPS cargo planes into the cargo areas of the airport and busing them out to who knows where at 3am under Border Patrol$#%&!@* California is actively recruiting the votes of their 3,000,000 illegal population, etc, and it never stops.
The plan is for a New World Order.
Eventually, membership in this religion will be mandatory, with DEATH for those who refuse to convert.
There will be concentration camps, battles, famine, and a collapse of this country.
They might goad Russia into attacking us with a Nuclear EMP, which will destroy our electric grid and electronics.
If this happens, it is likely that 90% of the USA will be dead within one year.
After some time, there will be a NWO compliant foreign invasion to finish us off.
I pray this doesn’t happen, but it seems to be the direction we are going in.
Regarding the current front runners in the GOP Primary Race for President in 2016.
Cruz is a fraud. CFR and Goldman Sachs connected. He supported the ” fast track authority ” TPA which short circuits congressional authority. These are serious problems with his candidacy. His father was a protégé of the f**e healer sensation Bennie Hinn! He is the GOP parallel to candidate Obama in 2008 on 4 levels. 1 questionable eligibility, 2 backed by the super elite, 3 pretends to be a constitutionalist and a Christian, 4 appeared on the scene in a recent Senate election. No thanks. Now, Neil Bush, John Hinckley Jr’s buddy (does that name ring a bell?), is helping the Cruz campaign. Cruz is a globalist NWO supporter.
OUR leaders created this mess, deliberately. They work for people OTHER than We the People, clearly. The USA is on the “chopping block” for re-organization, and the North American Union treaty was a major step in that effort, signed by George Bush in 2005. Candidate Ted Cruz’ wife Heidi, worked at the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) in 2005 on a panel promoting this treaty. It’s right on their website. http://wwwcfr org/…/building-north-american…/p8102
Why the attacks on Donald Trump?
Nothing anyone can dig up about Donald Trump can come close to what this big government party (both D and R) has done since the JFK assassination, which they orchestrated. Millions upon millions of dead, countless monstrous lies….
There is only one party. They don’t care if they lose to Hillary. They are worried about the gallows, should Trump really go after them for their crimes. Trump isn’t in their little club and he isn’t a puppet.
Or, he’s also phoney and playing a role.
If he wins, we get to find out.
Regardless, the elite and our “leaders” know what they’ve done and it isn’t nice.
Only 9 more months of this muslim thug