According to a new article by the New York Post, Obama has been forming a secret database on all Americans for the purpose of “racial and economic justice.”
“Obama’s racial bean counters” as the NYP puts it, has been mining everything…home loans, health, credit card activity, where you work, neighborhoods, even how our kids are disciplined in school.
This all in an effort to document the inequalities between minorities and whites.
See Page 2:
Grow up idiots if you believe that s**t
TRUMP 2016
Santa, is checking the list twice , See how many need to be deemed… nice people, yeah that’s the ticket……NOT !..shhhsssss
Thank you President Obama for getting a lot of ISIS fighters and Protecting America.
lol…you morons are hilarious
These are$#%&!@*style tactics.
Gotta leave for work…Just checked my bank account, still haven’t received my white privilege? Am I supposed to file with my taxes?