Barack Obama is busy making secret deals in the waning hours of his presidency — and he doesn’t want to talk about it.
Reports are indicating that Obama’s latest back-room deal will allow thousands of migrants from terror-infested countries into the United States. Once again, these are mostly unvetted males and Obama seemed to jump at the chance to bring them in as there were other options available.
See the details on the next page:
He MUST be stopped!!!
Send them back we can’t afford them too
Don’t let these pigs in!
Screw Obama and his muslims, we don’t need them in America.
Moving targets
Hope Obama plans to care for them as the American taxpayers are sick of money going for their upkeep. Our vets deserve the help first.
why is not our congress doing something about this mess that Odummer is creating???
Somebody stop this fool. Where the$#%&!@*is the money coming from. Pay our debt you dumbasses