What kind of people does President Obama have in his administration to help lead our nation?
Take a look at John Holdren, Obama’s science czar, who once wrote a book that advocated such things as force abortions, adding contaminants to the water to mass sterilize the population, single mothers who have their kids taken by the State, etc.
what a sick mind.!!
I’m all for population control for the whole world!!!!
Nazi ideology
Let’s start with you and your family First
Run this sorry sob out of our country.
And I am sure they will have forced abortions for privileged whites only
Should have started with your mother .
How about castration for Obama’s!
You know he might be right.
Abortion all Obama and Hillary voters kids and mass kill all there supporters lol.
See he could be on to something
If people keep letting Governments take our rights .
This will be come government polices one day .