What kind of people does President Obama have in his administration to help lead our nation?
Take a look at John Holdren, Obama’s science czar, who once wrote a book that advocated such things as force abortions, adding contaminants to the water to mass sterilize the population, single mothers who have their kids taken by the State, etc.
Let’s start with his retroactive abortion.
your momma should of sterilized you
The swamp dwellers are rising to the surface, makes it easier to remove them from their positions and make them work for a living.
Its oBozo
1939 All over again. Sieg Heil
Seig Heil moron.
Sterilize all Libs and all Muslims
I think this is what the Nazis said in Germany during$#%&!@*s Reign forced abortions and forced sterilization for the undesirables
shame he was not aborted one less libtard idiot
and the democrats are worried about free birth control if they read about the New world order they would see they are just going to be used as SLAVES to make the rich RICHER.