What kind of people does President Obama have in his administration to help lead our nation?
Take a look at John Holdren, Obama’s science czar, who once wrote a book that advocated such things as force abortions, adding contaminants to the water to mass sterilize the population, single mothers who have their kids taken by the State, etc.
What a warped bastard !! It seems to be contagious in Obamaland !!
the progressives show up every 30 years or so and do well until the people realize they are for eugenics like$#%&!@*was.
Well, they do have Plan Parenthood for that.
Another nut thinking guy we don’t need
Of blacks??
Start with the sterilization of the moslem invaders….
Start with him…Cut off his penis. That will sterilize him….A good start !
We need a mass Obama extinction
The kooks are coming out of the sewers