What kind of people does President Obama have in his administration to help lead our nation?
Take a look at John Holdren, Obama’s science czar, who once wrote a book that advocated such things as force abortions, adding contaminants to the water to mass sterilize the population, single mothers who have their kids taken by the State, etc.
These guys are crazy!
More F**e News!
Start with those who vote demorats.
Let’s do him and his children first.
Is he descended from Mengali and the$#%&!@*”scientists”?
Sure sounds like it. If he was allowed to be in charge Obamanation would never have existed. I’m sure there is an asylum waiting for this man
Swamp creature spotted!!! Fire at will!!!!!!!!!
Hitler wanted the same things. He did a lot of it.
Wait…i thought the$#%&!@*doctors were all dead.