What kind of people does President Obama have in his administration to help lead our nation?
Take a look at John Holdren, Obama’s science czar, who once wrote a book that advocated such things as force abortions, adding contaminants to the water to mass sterilize the population, single mothers who have their kids taken by the State, etc.
That’s one way to control the fucktards
We need forced behavior health for those that lost their marbles. The loose, triggered left!
Georgia guide stones ! Read them !!!!!
So the muslims can breed us out
Only for libritards!
Way to go, scumbag libs and rinos!
Let’s start with the mentally sick liberals 1st.
This is one of the things the world once condemned the Nazis for doing,now the socialist globalist think it is OK because it now fits into their plans for the world.
Let’s start by eliminating yoy