Every day is a different excuse: The economy got derailed by the August market selloff, volatility in China, lackluster work force numbers, severe snow or weather conditions in the middle of global warming, and a variety of other factors. The economy may be world wide, but not every storm in Taiwan affects it…but Obama does.
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there is no recovery hapening at all things are just getting worser by the day
This is laziness.
And yet thousands of supposedly refugees are coming here it’s way past time for us as a nation to demand our leaders to do right by their own once that’s done then we can consider doing things for the less fortunate outside our borders !!!
The one Obama says is happening……why do you believe anything this man says? If he told the cold hard truth that would be a bell-ringer of a day. The truth does not reside in this man!!!
That’s because the Government thinks a person can live one under $760 a month, who can live on that?? Its hard to fined a place to rent and pay utility’s, water services, trash servises , daily needs like toilet paper,soap, …and so on , transportation I sent free, the government keeps the disabeled suffering, not even close to a living wage
Companies stopped giving cost of living pay raises years ago. Inflation soars. Look at the product packaging in grocery stores. Items smaller, prices higher. Can’t win.
The cost of mentle health problems and those who need to be cared for is ignored by government, Veterans suffer from the lack of what is needed, But the Obamas spend every penny they can, then cut from those who need it. So they can enjoy our money
When I became disabled, lost my job. My income has been cut in half. I planned on working another 10 years, retiring, 401k. Now, nothing. I am barely surviving.
All part of the governments plan so you think you need them.
We need to help our country and our own people and children not everyone else