“Don’t ask and don’t tell” takes on an entirely different meaning when it comes to Christian faith and the military. The Obama administration has advocated policy that tells Christians in the military that they better not ask anyone about their faith, not tell anyone about their faith. Religious freedom is null and void to this Commander and Chief.
In April, the Washington Times reported on the issue of chaplains doing their jobs and facing punishment for what they had enlisted to do. There is a gag order of Christian chaplains and service members under this President, and many are choosing to get out, or not enlist at all due to this policy change.
That’s far from the only example. Read more on the NEXT PAGE:
Wanna bet?
That’s racist!
What about the Christian ideology? Throw your own thoughts out the window and trust in GOD! NOT some idiot on a platform! Maybe you need to pay attention to the Bible??? It’s called reading comprehension.
Before that will ever happen, how’s about we purge this country of muzzlum traitors and enablers-you know, like our very own organizer in chief? Drop his sorry carc$#%&!@* somewhere in the Middle East-wearing a costume of some kind of livestock-and let the fun commence!
This alone goes against the cons$#%&!@*ution and freedom?!
Bring it on!
Strength in Numbers
Any takers?
Dear American friends we need your help, please share this post about genocide one of the old nation in the world: yezidis, the world should open the eyes and prevent this crime against humanity… please help our nation
https://www.facebook.com/Mraz.Azizi/posts/725111570950494 libya national army against Anti ISIS Army
Ovomit is a pig $#%&!@*