“Don’t ask and don’t tell” takes on an entirely different meaning when it comes to Christian faith and the military. The Obama administration has advocated policy that tells Christians in the military that they better not ask anyone about their faith, not tell anyone about their faith. Religious freedom is null and void to this Commander and Chief.
In April, the Washington Times reported on the issue of chaplains doing their jobs and facing punishment for what they had enlisted to do. There is a gag order of Christian chaplains and service members under this President, and many are choosing to get out, or not enlist at all due to this policy change.
That’s far from the only example. Read more on the NEXT PAGE:
wish someone would just shoot this MF’er
The Christians have been pushed enough , time for us to make a stand…
My God has my back….God is omega!!!!
You know the communist liberal democrats will say we aren’t Christian if we fight back. But that is where they would be wrong again.
Down with Barry Obama all the way to HELL !!!!!!
He is in for a surprise then.
muslim terrorist loving obama hates Christians and Jews. I say ship the piece of c**p over the middle east and drop him.
This is upside-down crazy!
He doesn’t know me so how does he know what is best for me. ..
JESUS told Peter to sell his clothes and buy a sword because HE knew that Peter would have to defend himself.