There is an elephant in the room. It has been there for seven years, longer actually, but everyone is pretending they don’t see it. The elephant is President Obama and his “sympathetic” and protective relationship with Islam. He grew up in a Muslim country, his father was a Muslim, and it appears that he attended a Muslim school for at least part of the time that he lived in Indonesia as a young boy. During his first presidential campaign, there were many who suggested that he actually was a Muslim, or at least he was a Muslim sympathizer. The left would have none of it, and Democrats, main stream media, educators, and every liberal that could shake off their marijuana stupor screeched that anyone even hinting such a thing was a bigot, an Islamophobe, and a Neanderthal, and also that it would not even matter if Obama was Muslim because the most important value for modern man, above character, honesty, or ethical behavior, is to be tolerant, and those who were not tolerant of Islam should shut up and slink off into the sunset, if not be arrested for a hate crime.
We have now had seven years of Obama, and he has continually tried to shame the nation about not overreacting to the crimes of Islam, or radical Islam, though he refuses to actually name the source when there is an outrage committed in the name of Islam. In the last few years it has gotten beyond weird as he bends and twists events to protect the “honor” of Islam. It was most forcefully shown early in Obama’s first term when Nidal Hassan, a Muslim and U.S. army major, shot and killed 13 people on a Texas military base in 2009 while shouting “Allahu Akbar” (Allah is great), and Obama declared that it was workplace violence and had nothing to do with Islam. Perhaps in an alternate universe that would make sense, and even after investigating Hassan’s correspondence and other activities in which it was clearly shown that he was a “radicalized” Muslim, Obama continued to insist that it was nothing more than workplace rage. Sadly, the main stream media never called him out on it, and the Democrats obediently lined up behind him, endorsing the preposterous farce.
Now, in the shooting that took place this weekend in San Bernardino, we have a new example of Obama pretending that Islam is a peaceful religion and is peripheral to the ubiquitous violence that is found wherever Islam is located or growing.
San Bernardino killings and Obama, page 2
BREAKING NEWS ALERT! <--- CAPT. KARL, AND HIS MANY STATE AND NATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS CHANGE POSITION AND STANCE ON FEDERAL ELECTION. In the past, due to 11 years of research into economics, financial markets, World and American economic and governmental history, the American Revolutionary period and War, The Constitution in depth, and the hand penned documents of our Founding fathers, I realized, as well my organizations, that in the air of total and complete contempt for our Ninth and TENTH Amendment laws BY BOTH Political Parties in CONGRESS especially and also by the Executive branch ever since the 1913 TRIFECTA of Tyranny and Constitutional TREASON, I and SEVERAL MILLIONS of Americans, have realized that Federal elections are not the solution WHATSOEVER for any of our problems. We all realized that ONLY THE STATES through Constitutional State legislation leading to INCREMENTAL State NULLIFICATION of ALL unlawful Federal spending, usurpation and UNLAWFUL Withholding and Income Taxes, pursuant to the RULE OF Constitutional law and Supreme Court RULINGS, would save us, save our States and America as a whole. I wasn't even going to bother voting for ANYBODY for CONGRESS or for PRESIDENT until such time as our Ninth and TENTH Amendment laws are restored by STATE LEGISLATIVE ACTION ----> and ENFORCED by State and Local Law Enforcement ACTION upon all Federal agents and agencies who refuse to cease and desist all Constitutionally unlawful U.S. Government activities State nullified. Such Law Enforcement actions shall be backed up by American Militia Freedom Forces and Oath Keepers on call to our County Sheriffs.
BUT NOW, that TRUMP is going to DO THE JOB as a PRESIDENT to protect the LIVES, LIBERTY, and PROPERTY of Americans from Muslims and their devotion to the Koran, I am officially endorsing and calling on ALL of my State of Wisconsin and National organizations to VOTE FOR TRUMP.
——-> TRUMP WILL BAN ALL MUSLIM TRAVEL TO AMERICA UNTIL THE U.S. GOVERNMENT FIGURES OUT “WHAT THE HELL” THEY ARE DOING TO PROTECT AMERICA FROM TERROR. See:…/p…/donald-trump-muslim-ban-immigration/ <---- ================================================== Let me further say that any ESPECIALLY -->REPUBLICAN<--, or Democrat that attacks TRUMP, on this issue most especially, WILL BE CONSIDERED AN ATTACK on all of our organizations and the American people, and we will respond in kind. ================================================== --------> LET ME BE CLEAR, HOWEVER, MY ORGANIZATIONS WILL CONTINUE WITH ALL FERVOR TO COMPEL AND FORCE OUR LOCAL STATE ASSEMBLYMAN AND STATE SENATOR TO “SPONSOR AND FACILITATE THE PASSAGE OF” OUR CONSTITUTIONAL STATE JOINT SOVEREIGNTY RESOLUTIONS WITH ARREST PROVISIONS, over time in every State of The Union, WHICH LEADS UP TO STATE NULLIFICATION OF ALL UNLAWFUL U.S. GOVERNMENT USURPATION. <------- God Bless TRUMP! I only pray, to the Lord my God, that TRUMP will help and facilitate THE STATES to restore and ENFORCE our Ninth and TENTH Amendment laws TO FULL FORCE and EFFECT over a LONG TRANSITIONAL period of MONTHLY tranches of State NULLIFICATIONS of ALL Constitutionally unlawful Federal SPENDING and usurpation, and Withholding and Income Taxes restoring these as "reserved to the States respectively, or the people". -----> WOULD SOMEBODY PLEASE FORWARD THIS MESSAGE TO HONORABLE DONALD TRUMP <---- PLEASE! I would love to hear TRUMP say that he is for The States restoring our Ninth and TENTH Amendment laws to FULL FORCE and AFFECT. ============================================= Islam, by law, is prohibited from US immigration The Immigration and Nationality Act passed June 27, 1952 revised the laws relating to immigration, naturalization, and nationality for the United States. That act, which became Public Law 414, established both the law and the intent of Congress regarding the immigration of Aliens to the US and remains in effect today. Among the many issues it covers, one in particular, found in Chapter 2 Section 212, is the prohibition of entry to the US if the Alien belongs to an organization seeking to overthrow the government of the United States by "force, violence, or other unconstitutional means." This, by its very definition, rules out Islamic immigration to the United States, but this law is being ignored by the Whitehouse Islamic immigration to the US would be prohibited under this law because the Koran, Sharia Law and the Hadith all require complete submission to Islam, which is antithetical to the US government, the Constitution, and to the Republic. All Muslims who attest that the Koran is their life's guiding principal subscribe to submission to Islam! Tall Coyote Take a look around. SEND A COPY TO YOUR STATE REPRESENTATIVES
He is an idiot
I am embarrassed that Obama is our President. HE has shamed our nation. Time to impeach him.
Shame on the pinhead
You people will believe anything.
The words & actions of a traitor
And out of The United States of America!
So disgusted with the President.
He is supposed to be in charge of keeping American citizens SAFE!
We have a President who’s goal I believe is to exterminate Americans who are
I believe all of this is a part of Obama’s plan.
Obama is a traitor and should be in jail.
That Newsman is right he is a$#%&!@*!