Barack Obama is the biggest liar of a chief executive as we have ever had in the White House, Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton not excepted. The American people heard him promise when he spoke about Obamacare that they would be able to keep their doctors and medical plans if they liked them, and that the average family would save $2,500 annually on the cost of their health care insurance.
He had no problem looking the public in the eye and repeating those lies multiple times, even though subsequent video recordings of architects of the plan show that Obama was well aware that his plan would raise costs and eliminate plans. Obama was not mistaken, he simply said whatever he had to in order to con the people and get his way.
That is now the case with his latest effort at gun confiscation. Yes, he insists that he is a former law professor of the Constitution, and that he respects the 2nd Amendment and the right of the people to bear arms, but he is simply lying once again. He has been stymied by the Republican Party from pushing through gun confiscating legislation, so now he will use tyrannic, bullying tactics to get his way, even though the American people have shown that they are not interested in his scheme to take away their best means of self-defense.
And once again he is lying in order to mislead and misinform the people.
Executive action illegally seeks to disarm America, page 2:
Not going to happen
F**k you obammma
Obama says, Obama means:
1:EXPANDED BACKGROUND CHECKS, sounds like a good idea right? Expanded into your employment history, your medical records, your credit score (yikes) and your flight status. Of course none of these things involve due process. A felon can’t buy a gun. A felon has had due process. That’s part of how he became a felon. Abrogation of a right without due process is unconstitutional.
2. TO APPLY TO ALL SELLERS. The White House says there’s no threshold number of sales that will trigger the licensure requirement. Buy your son a gun and don’t conduct a full background check with all the government paperwork? You go to prison for up to 10 years, 250,000 fine.
3. MORE BUREAUCRACY. Attorney General Loretta Lynch has written to states emphasizing the need to submit complete criminal history records so that the background check system has as much information at its disposal as possible. This is the same attorney general trying to criminalize speech against Islam.
4. LOST AND STOLEN WEAPONS. Criminal liability, like in California, if your weapon is stolen.
5. SMART GUN TECHNOLOGY. So I don’t have to aim? No. Trackable chipped fingerprint recognizing guns. Remember the 14 tries to get your cell phone to unlock before you gave up on the print scan? Now, imagine trying that when a burglar is shooting at you. Furthermore, this will lead to the eventual outlawing of all functional “dumb guns”. See our imported gun laws to understand what happens when the government requires firearms be made non functional. Hint, it involves a torch.
6. MENTAL HEALTH. Sounds great. No crazy people with guns. Yaaaay. Wait, a bureaucrat gets to dig into my medical records to determine if I’m fit to exercise my second amendment rights? Where’s the due process? We already prohibit gun sakes to those adjudged “crazy”. Why is that OK? They had DUE PROCESS. Thanks for reading. SHARE IF YOU CARE.
Why is the middle finger the first thing you see?
Cold dead hand get the picture!
Great….singles should add me for a chat
Gun sales are sky rocketing under Obama!
He is faking, lying, and twisting the facts as usual.
The only way this fool would cry is if he poked himself in the eye.
Was that a birdie he was shooting us or a gang sign?