Barack Obama is the biggest liar of a chief executive as we have ever had in the White House, Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton not excepted. The American people heard him promise when he spoke about Obamacare that they would be able to keep their doctors and medical plans if they liked them, and that the average family would save $2,500 annually on the cost of their health care insurance.
He had no problem looking the public in the eye and repeating those lies multiple times, even though subsequent video recordings of architects of the plan show that Obama was well aware that his plan would raise costs and eliminate plans. Obama was not mistaken, he simply said whatever he had to in order to con the people and get his way.
That is now the case with his latest effort at gun confiscation. Yes, he insists that he is a former law professor of the Constitution, and that he respects the 2nd Amendment and the right of the people to bear arms, but he is simply lying once again. He has been stymied by the Republican Party from pushing through gun confiscating legislation, so now he will use tyrannic, bullying tactics to get his way, even though the American people have shown that they are not interested in his scheme to take away their best means of self-defense.
And once again he is lying in order to mislead and misinform the people.
Executive action illegally seeks to disarm America, page 2:
this is the way to disarm America for u Obama!
This law will do absolutely nothing to stop the criminals and terrorists.
It doesn’t matter criminals have never followed gum laws and they never will.
Wipes the f**e tear with the middle finger. How vogue of you.
there is that bird finger again he is not fooling anyone.
Looks like he is sending a signal to someone like victory for Moslems lets get this pice of$#%&!@*impeached
I’ll bet John Boehner is crying his eyes out just watching this silly bull$#%&!@* This nation is being run by a bunch of lying sonsa bitches!
Heil Obama. Mein Fuhrer taking over where the other$#%&!@*left off. Unfortunately there’s not enough pro freedom pro liberty patriots to fight this constitution burning tyrant like there were a century ago
Does this moron really thinks he going to disarm AMERICAN PATRIOTS I don’t think so , make no mistake OBUMMER we will fight and win the more u threaten the more guns and ammo we buy, u and your muslum pedifiles will lose