Many of us remember when Barack Obama promised he was going to “spread the money around a bit,” gave away cheap phones to the morons who supported him, and then promised a woman who had no place to live that he would meet with her to discuss her plight. It turns out he was no more honest when he made those statements than when he told America they could keep their doctor and health plan and save $2,500 buying into the Obamacare health scam.
The big joke is that the Left was certain that Obama was a closet socialist that would finally bring the rich to their knees and make sure economic quality would reign. It is now 2016, eight years have passed, and the joke is on the suckers who thought Obama was serious.
It turns out that the president shoveled the big money directly to the big banks and Wall Street, and no one in the Democrat party is screaming!
Obama patted himself on the back during his barely watched State of the Union message, talking about the strength and resilience of the economy and the job growth that he supposedly ushered in. He failed to note that the million and a half manufacturing jobs that were lost were replaced by the same number of bartender and wait staff jobs, nor did he take note of the almost 100 million workers who are out of the work force, not because they are living a comfortable retired life, but because they have given up looking for a decent job.
Those millions do not show up on the unemployment roles, so to Obama they are invisible and must prefer staying at home to going to work each day.
Where the money went, page 2:
Article III, section 3 of the Constitution “Any person who levies War against the United States or adheres to its enemies by giving them Aid and Comfort has committed treason within the meaning of the Constitution. The term aid and comfort refers to any act that manifests a betrayal of allegiance to the United States, such as furnishing enemies with Arms, Troops, Transportation, Shelter, or Classified Information. If a subversive act has any tendency to weaken the power of the United States to attack or resist its enemies, aid and comfort has been given.”
Under such Hillary Clinton and Obama have committed such with Benghazi, supplying arms to what is now ISIS.
Hillary has compromised classified information.
The Iran Deal has a subversive act of weakening the power of the United States.
The firing of long standing generals who oppose Obama’s leadership is weakening the power of the United States.
Anyone who supports the Iran deal are also in contempt of this provision in the Constitution.
The President undermining and allowing illegal aliens in this country, has allowed criminals in this country, including ISIS members with oncoming ‘refugees’ and open borders…providing aid and comfort to these people. Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders on National Television stated they want to give aid, free housing, free college to these illegal aliens and refugees. Such is all considered treasonous under our constitution for undermining the safety of this country and its citizens.
SICKENING. ….. !!!!!!
TRUMP for President VOTE every VOTE counts and makes a difference…………….FREEDOM>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GOD BLESS USA
Let TRUMP answer DEBATE questions from the USA…………FREDOM………….GOD BLESS USA
Change in no way implies improvement and hope ends in fruition. Listen carefully to the language of a promise and you’ll hear the truth.
Impeach or we will 3 rd world under him kids will never be safe
More like hope I don’t go to jail.
He sucks
He Looks Like He Is about Half or more Lit in This Picture ,One to many Drinks ..
Doubt it is intentional as Reagan said so much of what the left thinks isn’t so. Crony socialism is high taxes and regulations that protect the conncted from the true regulator market forces. See Adam Smith.