In 1989, the United States Navy had 592 ships at its disposal for the defense and security of America’s shores and sea-trade routes. That number is now at 217, the weakest it has been since before America’s involvement in World War 1.
On the heels of Vladimir Putin’s annexation of Crimea, Russian bombing in the Levant, and an ever-more threatening Islamic Caliphate digging its fingers throughout the Western world, Obama has made one of the fundamental forces in America’s military unprepared for protracted battle.
Find out the state of the Navy on page 2.
Obama will NOT be satisfied until we are totally helpless!
Obama the dorks$#%&!@*
Shameful. Obama is the WORST and sorriest excuse for a President this Country has ever had. He belongs behind bars for utter stupidity. He hid his records for some reason, is he ashamed that they be known. The Democrats have no love or respect for our Country. Obama has cut our great military because he has no foresight or comprehension of the greatness of this Country. He is a weak, cowardly little boy, with no leadership abilities, nor is he even capable of comprehending what it takes to be a leader. He should be taken be taken to the playground and supervised by an adult as he rides his tricycle all day. He is too young to go to kindergarten and walking by himself he will fall and skin his widdle knee and then he would cry!
I hopewe aren;t made pawns in whatever game this is!
no way no obama bring our ship back obama need to leave our arm force a lone
Obamas plan is working!
And who have they attacked with nukes?
Yes wait
He is a traitor , trying to destroy America !
Rebuild Our Navy