Obama’s Navy Half The Size Of Reagan’s


The United States Navy is now at its weakest in a century.  Obama, never very wise with foreign policy decisions, has throughout his presidency mishandled military operations and force decisions. His latest decision to decommission a number of aircraft carriers weakens the presence of America’s air force, as well.

Russian shores are but a few miles from Alaska and the Western Seaboard and Putin may use Obama’s distraction with failed strikes on ISIS targets as an opportunity to invade.

The Obama Administration’s decision to scrap as many as eight older carriers rather than refurbishing them and keeping them in reserve has been a serious blow to the Navy…

When one considers that 90% of the world’s trade travels via sea, the implications of a declining United States Navy are disconcerting, to say the least.

In 1989, the United States Navy had a total of 592 ships – thanks to the Reagan defense build-up. According to the U.S. Navy’s website on historic force levels, that figure included 14 carriers, 4 battleships, 40 cruisers, 68 destroyers, 100 frigates, 61 amphibious ships, 99 attack submarines, 33 ballistic missile submarines, and 137 auxiliaries.

Source:The Daily Caller

From Benghazi to Moscow, Barack Obama has proven time and again that he is an unfit leader. If one of his generals doesn’t relieve him of command soon, we may find ourselves in Russia’s sights. With many stating that World War 3 is just around the corner, or has already started, one is left to conclude that Obama’s tearing down of our military is his preparation for America.



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