Under pressure from the Obama administration, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel quit this week, who started off strong as Obama’s ‘kindred spirit’, but who ended up voicing very different opinions on more than one topic.
Hagel warned us of the ‘New World Order’, disagreed with Obama on ISIS as well as Obama’s huge military budget cuts.
gruber was right stupid american people like the ones who voted for thiis lying treasonous country destroying scum bag
No such thing as a new world order.
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel was appointed by President Odumb$#%&!@* to serve as cannon fodder, and little else.
Chuck served, as a doormat, with distinction; moreover, his other accomplishments pale in comparison.
Obama is building a FOREIGN army to be led by sycophants willing to do HIS bidding and armed with weapons WE paid for.
How does hillary sleep at night shes realiy crazzz?????
We are in real trouble and it gets worst each day he stays in office
Very true however he appeared to see the light and pass it on to…….
how they did that, first seduce, a political party in the country that you want to overthrow,find the most corrupt, they will be the easiest ones, because they can be blackmailed,very easy. Once this is accomplished, accelerate the position of our agent to the top of the political party,this way the country can be undermined from with in the highest position, replace the top personnel in the agency responsible for security, start tensions between the people, use race, religion, start division between the government and the people,and last, sneak in as many soldiers as possible, before the people catch on, and help start anarchy,this will pull all of the government’s resources,in many different directions, and not knowing how to take the battle to the real enemy,and through confusion annihilate the population, why they don’t know who to fight, or who to trust, before they can renew their unity in one another, does this sound like something is going on today ? I think this is how a Savoy or Savoys would plan it
he didn’t quit he got fired.
He is saying we owe our military. Leaving us defenseless. Can we tell Obama that we do not owe?
PREACHERS, I feel like Jonah, talking to Nineveh, and God continues to speak, but you had better pay attention:
Ezekiel 33:6: ” But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes someone’s life, that person’s life will be taken because of their sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for their blood.”
The Race Card, the accusation of Racism, the magick talisman that mows them down like wheat until machine guns would soon do so, is focused and shined onto The Decree, the devil’s stronghold in the minds of white people after indoctrination, the Non-Scriptural Decree of the New Order, The Decree, the devil’s lie, the mantra of all the Godless horde, that
“You owe, and you must pay, for you will be racist if you will not pay, and you cannot be racist.”
The Decree IS the mantra of all the Godless horde, and the mantra of Obama, and the Mexican President, and is printed EXACTLY on the signs held by the Mexican invaders.
The Race Card is always a demand for payment. A demand for worship. And according to The Decree, the devil defines Racism as the failure of white people to pay (“for you will be racist if you will not pay”), and ask The Reverend of the god of Racism, Al Sharpton, if anyone can be racist other than white people. Ask Oprah. And if one will speak the truth, he should speak the truth. The Decree is for white people, and in particular, white Americans. It is intended to cause their deaths.
He who will not accept The Decree, who will not agree that he owes, and must pay, will be deemed racist.
But when the Race Card is presented to he who agrees with the Decree, so that he will not be deemed racist, and in violation of the devil’s decree, he MUST pay (“for you will be racist if you will not pay, and you cannot be racist”).
But there are no stipulations on what is owed, or time length. The white debtor owes anything and everything, forever, whatever is demanded, and what he is charged is solely determined by the Godless horde, and the devil, himself, who owe nothing in return. He will owe, even in hell, for all of eternity. And ask the man-in-the-street if REPARATIONS will settle the debt. Ask Harry Reid if paying the “Redskins” will settle the debt, or if we will not soon be asked to pay the Cleveland “Indians,” or the Dallas “Cowboys.” Ask if paying the provision of Free Speech will settle the debt, the insatiable appetite of the New World Order for control of Speech, and concomitant thought and action. The debt cannot be settled for he who accepts The Decree.
The white liberals, and, also, those who receive, all of those who have rejected the word of God, all of the Godless horde, will furiously play their Race Cards, their accusations of Racism, and one who will not accept The Decree, that he owes and must pay, claiming that one is NEVER allowed to criticize, and must offer praise, if he is allowed to speak at all. Praise as they are killed. Worship as they are murdered. Chained into slavery.
Ask the Teacher of the Year from Duncanville High School, just outside of Dallas, TX, as she says you do not have the right to speak of the Ferguson rioters, and as she proffers the rope, and the pistol, and screams that you commit suicide, saying “dumb, duck-ass crackers, go kill yourselves.”
Ask the Ferguson rioters, who say it is racist for you to crticize them, and so you can only praise them, if you would be allowed to speak at all.
Ask the vaunted Illuminati woman, Oprah, who denies Christ, who says all the white racists need to die, and who says it is racist to criticize Obama, so that you can only praise him, if you are allowed to speak at all, and even as he says all the white racists need to die. And it is not a small thing that those who will not worship are deemed worthy of death. But it is the devil’s goal, from the Garden of Eden, to rise above God, to be worshipped as God, his goal from the Garden of Eden.
Ask Joel Osteen about it, as he calls Obama a “good Christian,” Obama who stands against the Israelis, and is cursed by God, screaming at them to commit suicide, and surrender to Obama’s spiritual brethren, the ISIS/Hamas/Muslims, who have sworn to do to them what they have done to the Middle-Eastern Christians, beheading the little kids, and cutting the throat of their mothers.
Genesis 12:1-3: ”
1The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.
2“I will make you into a great nation,
and I will bless you;
I will make your name great,
and you will be a blessing.a
3I will bless those who bless you,
and whoever curses you I will curse;
and all peoples on earth
will be blessed through you.”
But ask the lover of money, the root of all evil, the traitor, The Reverend of the god of Racism, Al Sharpton, as he stands with the ISIS/Hamas/Muslims, and against us, and America, and Texas. As he tells you the cities he intends to burn, he, and Obama, and Eric Holder, and the federal government, and the Trayvon Road Crew, tying the hands of the police and encouraging the rioters, as he has the unmitigated gall to tell you what your rights are, and what you are allowed to say, and saying it is racist for anyone white to speak of the matter, and that you are not allowed to do so. Playing his Race Card, and expecting to be paid. With silence.
But he forgot to tell you all of the story, as he and the devil wished to quell discussion–and consideration–of the ploy the devil would use to drag all into hell, those who pay and those who receive. God says you will go to hell, if you pay, and that those paid will go with you. Will you continue to allow him, or ANYONE, to tell you what you are allowed to say? Adhering to the precepts of political correctness?
And Great-American, Whore, White, Sheople Christians? Is it really true that you cannot criticize Obama, who is cursed by God? And that you must praise him, if you would be allowed to speak at all? That you cannot criticize any of them, the Godless horde, and that you must praise them, if you are allowed to speak at all?
Whom do you contend that you serve? Our God? Or do you admit that you whore after the gods of Racism and the New World Order, limping barefoot and crying over the broken glass and concrete of your cities, jostled along by the Godless horde to your deaths. Owing and paying and worshipping your murderers. Whoring after them. Slaves.
Revelation 22:8: “I, John, am the one who heard and saw these things. And when I heard and saw, I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who showed me these things. 9But he said to me, “Do not do that. I am a fellow servant of yours and of your brethren the prophets and of those who heed the words of this book. Worship God.” 10And he said to me, “Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is near.”
There is a reason that John’s angel would not let John worship him: He did not wish for John AND him to go to hell. There was another angel who made that mistake. His name is satan. He still wishes for worship today.
Jesus paid the price so that we owe no man or god. He could not be bribed (satan tried), and threats were useless against Him (ask the Pharisees, or Herod, or Pilate), and He Who gives the Great Commission would certainly not pay his right to speak, and will not understand those who do. Ask the Houston pastors about it, as the Houston mayor demands they pay to her the portions of the Bible that are currently deemed politically incorrect, and their right to speak the truth of God’s word–and their souls. And know that the fight is not their’s alone for soon EVERYONE would be asked to pay our right to speak ANY of the Bible.
But our jealous God did not create us debtors to the Godless horde, and the devil, himself, such that we owe to them what God requires for Himself, love, likes, approval, Great Consideration and Great Solicitation for the will, and wishes, and feelings, and praise, tithes, and worship, and our country, our lives, and our souls.
The devil will destroy all that he touches, yet he would rise above God, to be worshipped as God, his goal from the Garden of Eden, as written, and we see the evidence that he rises, the headless kids and other atrocities. He wishes to imbue all facets, the Ministry, Government, Education, etc., everything, with Political Correctness, the control of speech and concomitant thought and action, seeking his worldwide system of control and strict adherence to his pronouncements and decrees, where he is worshipped, and God is not worshipped, or mentioned, or remembered. He finds the Israelis, and the Middle-Eastern Christians, and America, and Texas, and white people, and in particular, white Americans, to be in the way. He wishes to co-opt them. He wishes to kill them. But he wishes for their souls.
The devil can take your country, and your life, if you will be agree that you owe, and must pay the Godless horde, and him, anything and everything, forever. He can make you worship him, his goal from the Garden of Eden. He can take your soul.
God is life; the devil is death.
As to whether you die, the devil will say “What difference does it make?” And he will proffer the rope, and the pistol, and scream at you to commit suicide.
But God requires the Israelis to wish for the lives, and to fight for their survival. And will He require less from us? He DEMANDS that you wish for your life and fight for your survival. For dead men do not stand in the gap, speaking the truth of God’s word against evil; nor do they fulfill the Great Commission. And heaven may be your home, but you will answer questions when you get there, and standing in the gap and the Great Commission are not mere suggestions.
God does not look for those who wish to die for Him; God looks for those who wish to LIVE for Him.
God DEMANDS that you wish for your survival, and the survival of America and Texas, as we stand with Israel, against a common foe, and the enemy of our God.
But God CANNOT stand for us, if we will worship these others.
God DEMANDS that you turn from them, and that you NOT worship them,
So that He CAN stand for us.
God says “Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.”
God says fear He who can kill the body–and the soul–in hell, and that a lake of fire is reserved for cowards, and that the unprofitable servant will be cast into outer darkness where there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
God says fear God.
God says we do not owe. God says we will not pay. God says we will worship no other. God says we will listen to no argument such that we would disregard Him, or His word, or His commandments, including the Race Card and The Decree, and ask Eve, from the Garden of Eden if anything bad might happen if you will do so, or listen to ANY lie from the devil. God says you can go to hell, if you do so, and those to whom you pay ANYTHING, who claim they are owed ANYTHING and EVERYTHING, FOREVER, will go to hell with you. FOREVER.
The Bottom line:
You do not owe. You will not pay. The Godless horde can go to hell. God says they can go to hell. You will not go with them.
And when the Godless horde demands your daughter. Or Maxine Waters says you are a bigot for not accepting Sharia Law. Or when the Mexican President, or the ISIS/Hamas/Muslims, or the Ferguson rioters, or any of the Godless horde, including the man-in-the-street plays their Race Card, and then says to you, The Decree, that
“You owe, and you must pay, for you will be racist if you will not pay, and you cannot be racist,”
let them call you racist until they are blue in the face and fall down and die.
DO NOT LISTEN TO THEM. God has provided the answer that you shall give them, the bottom line of all this discussion, and only four words to make it easy to remember, for those who cannot maintain enough concentration to get through the whole article:
It is called assertiveness training. Go find a mirror and practice saying that.
And you can cry, and moan, as you will. Limping over the broken glass and concrete, barefooted and squealing.
But for the ISIS/Hamas/Muslims, or the invading Mexicans, or the man-in-the-street, for the white liberals who hiss and scream, and for those who are paid, for all of the Godless horde, and the witches who hiss and scream, and furiously play the Race Cards, know that you OWE God, and that you do NOT owe them, and remember what He tells you to tell them: