The US Military is too weak now to deal with global threats, according to a report released from an independent panel appointed by Congress and the Pentagon.
The report calls the defense cuts “dangerous” as “global threats and challenges are rising,” with China and Russia claiming new territory, nuclear threats by Iran and North Korea and, of course, the rapid rise of ISIS in Iraq.
I so glad they released publically that info so the whole world knows this.
time to clean house, get rid of Obummer!
I find this quite interesting..and a real possibility. I must still hold on to my honest thought that God is the only one in control of everything to include Ob omo and his minions. Im much to old and slow, no Matter my love of our country and what tacticts he has planned for the American people. I worry only for the little people in mylife the innocents. So must place them in Gods hands. I have accepted so much in my life and let go of more than I ever thought I could. He is in control so I give thanks for that. I tell those in my family to allow God our father fight our fights he knows the complete picture
And knows the the real ending. I am more at peace at this time than ever before.. my roll in this life has changed and I just need let it happen and trust.
And, who benefits from this? Given how this country is run by right wing, Zionist / industrialists, how is Obama able to do this and, get away with it?..THINK!!
start to go rid of this traitor or he will destroy us.
increase military spending to 1 trillion
Tell me one threat to American soil? International banks and oil companies maybe. We still out spen the rest of the world combined. So how does he make it weaker? Also as long as we have a huge stockpile of nuclear weapons the threat is minimal….
only a fool would use nuke’s .