The US Military is too weak now to deal with global threats, according to a report released from an independent panel appointed by Congress and the Pentagon.
The report calls the defense cuts “dangerous” as “global threats and challenges are rising,” with China and Russia claiming new territory, nuclear threats by Iran and North Korea and, of course, the rapid rise of ISIS in Iraq.
I believe both parties do want the same thing. The New World Order. I myself am praying for all of them…
Get rid of him congress can do it
To hell with the new world order. I just want America back. If Congress doesn’t stop Obama, the America I’ve loved for all these years will be totally gone.
They want the NWO, and to do this they have to remove the American people as a threat by destroying this country’s ability to stop them. They have done a very good job of dismantling the country over the past 50 years, and their plain is nearly complete while Americans sleep..
He’s too busy fighting America to worry about anybody attacking us.
BS. WE are very,very HIGH TECH.. based in 138 county WE ARE THE Stop UN Agenda 21! Stop ICLEI! push comes the shove WATCH-OUT..
2 years and counting !!!!!!
The job of the US Military is to defend the Republic. Close all overseas bases & DEFEND IT !!!
soon marshall law will be law of the land
that was his plan from the start to make us weak to the rest of the world and he is still doing it today the no good SOB