The US Military is too weak now to deal with global threats, according to a report released from an independent panel appointed by Congress and the Pentagon.
The report calls the defense cuts “dangerous” as “global threats and challenges are rising,” with China and Russia claiming new territory, nuclear threats by Iran and North Korea and, of course, the rapid rise of ISIS in Iraq.
people have to be real dumb not to know why obama has shrunk our military.
it happened back in the 70s, mr peanut weakened our military, and it took Reagan to come in and build it back, the same thing will have to happen after obumbles the clown
Who ever voted for ibama i wish you die
Impeach the Muslim Traitor NOW !
Not true. He has tried but didn’t happen.’
the only real threat that this country has ever faced is its leadership. Under true Godly men we have prospered under Godless men, like the current, we are divided and weak. This country is closer to the wrath of God than to success. And the leaders that weve chossen are leading our children to hell with themselves. Without God there is nothing, and if you are your own god then tell me how do you live forever, why cant you snap your fingers and save the world. It is because trump with all his money cannot change the course of the world no more than the homless vet on our city streets. Jesus said he is the way the truth and the life, and that is truth without him you will go to hell. That is not his will that any man would go to hell it is the choice of each individual. Narrow is the way and few there be that find it. He that has ears let him hear.
I knew it I tried to tell people before he was up to doing that and what do you see are guns are being taken away in a different way it makes sense they couldnt get rid of it right off hand and it would take time to take each part away till they eventually take away are gun laws it where were headed one ammendment right taken slowly out from under are noses this is whats truly happening just like the mre’s and coffins and body bags being prepared their about to start a major war or prepare for a major disatser one or the other for as many as 140 million in mre’s are being stocked in one place makes sense
he will destroy wonderfully
thats his plan!!!
Obama is a transgender