The US Military is too weak now to deal with global threats, according to a report released from an independent panel appointed by Congress and the Pentagon.
The report calls the defense cuts “dangerous” as “global threats and challenges are rising,” with China and Russia claiming new territory, nuclear threats by Iran and North Korea and, of course, the rapid rise of ISIS in Iraq.
Our first thing on the agenda needs to be removal of Obama.
We don’t have the fire power Obamas private army of illegals and Muslims he has armed with our money
This picture is disturbing to me…
I think this is a pointless story. I’m not a Obama fan by any means. But a story saying that the U.S. military is weekend by some cuts is really stupid. In what world do people scream for less government and more military? And then you also have to look at the well known fact the the U.S. spends more on military than the next 20-30 countries combined. Yes Obama needs to go but it’s not because of military cuts. In fact one reason is his over use of military drone strikes. The whole system needs to go, which will mean a smaller military because the new system will have to destroy the Empire that is held together buy the strongest military in the know history of mankind.
This is his agenda
He’s got a plan in his back pocket. Scary to think what it may bring. 2015 he’s really gonna come out n his true color (a yellow streak down his back) but his agenda doesn’t mean leaving at the end of his term. Thought he’s done damage up to now just wait till he starts in with his trust worthy pen.
Our spelling is the least of our worries…22muslim training camps on US soil, Muslims running the joke “homeland security”, FEMA extermination camps equipped with millions of caskets, disarming Ameri cans, poisoning youth in schools, using blacks and illegals against Americans ..they are too dumb to realize he will then exterminate them and give the USA to his Muslim brothers
No you can’t vote it out when the voting machines are rigged
I don’t believe he has any intention of leaving either. There’s a reason for all the sudden race riots. He needs calamity to reach martial law, etc so he can make excuse to stay in office. Or dictator rather. I hope I’m wrong!
We the people are, the military! We are not any weaker just ,getting ready to sucker punch ,any time needed.