The US Military is too weak now to deal with global threats, according to a report released from an independent panel appointed by Congress and the Pentagon.
The report calls the defense cuts “dangerous” as “global threats and challenges are rising,” with China and Russia claiming new territory, nuclear threats by Iran and North Korea and, of course, the rapid rise of ISIS in Iraq.
black maggot should be executed for treason!
Same thing billy bob $#%&!@*on did
He’s facilitating the plan which was enacted way before you heard of Obama. Ppl need to wake up and realize the government is ran by crooks and gangster which included a lot of presidents. The same system that killed JFK for wanting to get rid of all the private corporations and back our paper cash with silver. Wasn’t it George Bush senior who dubbed the New World order even though it was a formulated plan even before him. This was all of their plan and they got yall pointing the finger when there should be a complete overhaul of our government.
he wants our military weak so they can’t protect us from the un here and other government grown terrorist.
he’s the biggest threat, needs to be impeached and arrested for treason
that what musilms want larry h
Ovomit can give money to terrorists but not to our country’s military
No joke!!!
Hope and change. That’s what 1/2 our muslim nation wanted. Good luck!!
Then Remove Him!!!!!