If you had any question about the kinds of thingsĀ President Obama is spending America’s money on that’s contributing to the $18 trillion dollar debt we won’t be paying off anytime soon, look no further.
Documents obtained by the Judicial Watch this week show that in just two months, President Obama spent almost $4.5 million on golf and fundraisers. He must have spared no expense. Records obtained from the U.S. Department of Air Force, as part of the Freedom of Information Act request, show that the president’s golf vacations and fundraisers came to $4,436,245.50 in travel expenses.
You won’t believe what it cost the taxpayers.
Read more on the next page.
What a$#%&!@*head!
Real piece of work.
My words exactly.
He is but he’s never worked a day in his life!
slow news day…
Loser. The people that voted for him are trash
pig t**d
Libtards are people who live in a fantasy utopia and subsidize their lifestyle
That’s why he’s OPENED THE BORDERS. He wants more needy trash to vote DEMOCRAT!!!