Go tell it on a mountain…
Everyone is furious with President Obama. Every day he does something off-putting. The latest is formally renaming Alaska’s Mt. McKinley — North America’s highest peak — “Denali”.
“Mount McKinley … has held the name of our nation’s 25th President for over 100 years,” Rep. Bob Gibbs, R-Ohio, said. “This landmark is a testament to his countless years of service to our country.” Gibbs said that an act of Congress was required to rename the mountain, because a law formally naming it after Ohio’s William McKinley was passed in 1917.
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Why can this major landmark have both names? I have for many years referred to by both. Let’s remember the name Denali was in use long before McKinley was applied. This is the same situation as occurred with Cape Canaveral in Florida some years ago.
Insult to the office of the Presidency.
Obama or the name change?
Well if we didn’t have such cowards in the White House …….. This stuff couldn’t happen!!!! Get off your butts & do something !!!!
Screw that Muslim marxist!
Mount Obama!
Impeach and Imprison Obama now please.
The name change. Done by a fellow President. So both.
Why did they let him do that!
And who does he think he is National Geographic or the World Atlas. You are being facetious? Hope so.