Barack Obama will never have to face the terrorists that he is now releasing from Guantanamo prison. He will never meet them on the street in New York when they seek more innocents to murder, because he will be surrounded for the rest of his life by secret service personnel committed to his safety. He will never meet them on the battle field as our field soldiers inevitably will.
He is most gracious to those violent and unrepentant killers in Guantanamo and even in our own prisons. The Defense Department announced yesterday that 10 Yemeni detainees have been set free from the Guantanamo Bay camp, with all of them sent to Oman where they will assuredly return to join with their Al-Qaida or ISIS fellows in order to spread their virulent brand of Islamic terror throughout the world. Obama intends to release at least three more detainees by February 1st.
Administration seeking to close Gitmo, page 2
The$#%&!@*is going to hit the fan come summer. Hope everyone is read. Brush up on your Russian, Chinese , Persian and any other language you can. The government is going to hit us and hit us hard. Be ready. Our government has turned against us and are going to kill many of us. We have been sold down the river. Obama is not going anywhere anytime soon. There will be martial law and we will be like the other third world countries with dictators. Hope everyone is ready. And for all you liberals that helped this happen. I hope you all fry in hell.
I know all the liberals will reply all their same old b******t because because they love their leader.
Yes it is going to get really bad and many will die. But we the people will win and everyone that has had their hands in the attempted overthrow of this country will pay. They better me making arrangements with other countries to go too because they will not stay here. We will take our country back and rid it from all the low life’s that are against it.
The time is coming for all true Americans to stand up and come together and become one. It will be nasty but if we stand together as one we will win. Good luck God bless.
He makes me sick
Hussein the Muslim needs to be stopped
He should be impeached and stripped of his security detail ,then he would know what everyone else feels.
Agian , nothing is done to$#%&!@*hole for letting them go.!!!
What prison would he be safe in after impeachment?
His goal, send all terrorist back to kill us. Close GITMO give it back to Cuba. Congtess does nothing